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Amrita Rao's Daily Diet Routine

Monday, June 29, 2009

Daily Diet Routine :

I am a pure vegetarian. I begin my day with 2 glasses of lukewarm water. Along with breakfast I drink fresh fruit juices. Breakfast is light and I prefer eating ghar ka khana. I usually have theplas and parathas for breakfast and follow a balanced diet throughout the day. Lunch consists of two chapattis, green vegetables, sabzi and dal with rice! Dinner is again the same. I love to eat mushrooms and cabbage. I am not a party person so I am faithful to my mom's khana (food). Before I go to sleep, I drink a glass of milk, which not only provides me with a good, sound sleep, but also supplements me with all the required ingredients!"

My favorite cuisine

Our Mangalorian cuisine and I love Thai food.

Diet Plans

I don't believe in fasting or binging. I eat in moderation and I eat to live and not live to eat. It is not good to starve yourself or overstuff your own body. Love your body because if it remains in good shape, you'll always be healthy. I don't tend to put on weight.

I start my day with two glasses of warm water and follow a balanced diet throughout the day. I avoid leafy veggies and roadside food during the monsoons. I always try and avoid deep-fried and packaged foods.

Tips on Healthy Eating

It is very important to understand your own body structure. Eat what you like, but eat in moderation. Avoid junk foods, cheese and fats. Avoid deep-fried and packaged foods as much as possible. Eating outside home can create lots of complications. So try to eat food made at home. It is not only hygienic but also tastes so well apart from being healthy.


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